
Bahrain UN SDG Goals Film 2018

bMedia manages video and animation projects and production facilitation in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.

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Video produced for Bahrain's presentation in 2018 UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), July 2018

Year: 2018

Production: bMedia and XO Central

Producer: Zain Alshaker

Directors: Slobodan Milivojevic Bobansky and Davor Flam

Script: Ashish Gorde

DP: Jaafar Halwachi

Camera assistants: Ahmed Akbar, Michael Worku

Edit: Ahmed Akbar

Colour Correction: Karel Shmidt

Graphics: Karel Shmidt and Touseef Ahmed

Additional interviews acquired from "24f production"


Record number of country leaders, private sector and civil society actors reviewed progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals

More than 125 Heads and Deputy Heads of State and Government, Ministers, Vice-Ministers and other Ministerial level officials, and over two thousand representatives from governments, UN system and other organizations, civil society, NGOs and the private sector participated in the annual 2018 High-level Political Forum (HLPF) on 9-18 July to take stock of progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They discussed progress, successes, challenges and lessons learned on the road to a fairer, more peaceful and prosperous world and a healthy planet by 2030.

This year’s forum, under the theme “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies,” concluded with the adoption of a Ministerial Declaration. Forty-six countries presented their Voluntary National Reviews on their efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda. The Forum also reviewed in depth six out of the 17 SDGs: Water and sanitation for all (SDG 6); sustainable and modern energy for all (SDG 7); cities and human settlements (SDG 11); sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG 12); sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss (SDG 15); and global partnership for sustainable development (SDG 17).


This video is produced by bMedia Bahrain.

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From concept to completion, we create memorable videos that impact audiences. Videos that make people care, and want to watch again.

We are a collaborative team of video production professionals in Bahrain focused on one mission: to produce quality short format videos driven by strategy creativity and results.

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